Final Early Voting Stats for the March 25th Election

Early Voting began in the Registrar of Voters office in the Winn Parish Courthouse on Saturday, March 11 and will run through Saturday, March 18 (closed Sunday, March 12) from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM. Enter through the Main Street entrance. The election will be Saturday, March 25. On the ballot is a parishwide Police Jury sales tax renewal.

Download the GeauxVote app which allows you to view your sample ballot and monitor results on Election night.

Parishwide Proposition – 1% S&U Tax Renewal – PJ – 10 Yrs.
Shall the Parish of Winn, State of Louisiana (the “Parish”), under applicable constitutional and statutory authority, be authorized to levy and collect a tax of one percent (1%) (the “Tax”), for a period of ten (10) years, commencing March 1, 2024, upon the sale at retail, the use, the lease or rental, the consumption, and the storage for use or consumption, of tangible property and on sales of services in the Parish, as defined by law, (an estimated $2,200,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), with the proceeds of the Tax (after paying the costs of collecting the Tax), to be allocated and divided as follows (i) 60% to the Parish for first, constructing, acquiring, maintaining, improving and operating a solid waste collection and disposal system for the Parish, with the balance of the proceeds for maintaining and supporting the Winn Parish Courthouse and providing other Parish services, and (ii) 40% to the City of Winnfield for providing solid waste collection and disposal, including the operation, maintenance and improvement of its Waste Compaction Station, and for providing other municipal services?

Absentee/early voting stat as of 3/14/23 (this includes the mail ballots received prior to early voting)

Total In Person Absentee (Mail)
248 150 98

White Black Other
210 38 0

Male Female
104 144

Democrat Republican Other
90 116 42

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