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Complimentary Social Security Retirement Benefit Analysis

While retirement planning isn’t just about saving. It isn’t just about tax planning. Social Security effects almost everyone.

Statistics show approximately 90% of those currently receiving Social Security did not maximize their benefits. Current regulations allow for close to 300 options for a married couple to draw these benefits. What is the right answer for you? Begin drawing early? Wait, but to what point to gain the most dollars? Can you still work and receive Social Security? Some of the answers to these common consumer questions may surprise you.

If you are a Louisiana state employee or a public educator, you and your spouse both maybe adversely effected by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset (GPO)? Both WEP and GPO reduce the Social Security benefits you actually receive each month. What you don’t know really can hurt you.

An informed decision is always a better decision. Call for your own complementary Social Security retirement benefit analysis and personal consultation to select the best option for you and your family!

Contact Reinette Today!

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